Wednesday, October 14, 2009

CBC National It's Not The News It's The Narrative

The CBC National just aired an item on the "scientific" arctic trip of a British amateur called Pen Hadow. I quess because he fits the CBC's global warming bias it got green lighted.

Even the BBC had doubts about this guy.

I guess fact checking isn't needed when the theme fits the narrative the CBC thinks the Canadian people need to be told.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The UN Global Warming Scam Part 1

If you asked me if I believed in Global Warming I would reply that depends what you are talking about. Is it the UN/NGO/Al Gore driven scam going on now that will culminate in Copenhagen?

If it is then no I don't believe in it. And the reason why is simple. If the tune changes do you look at the monkey or the organ grinder? I say you look to the organ grinder first then the monkey. The UN's IPCC reports ignore the organ grinder and say it's all the monkey's fault.

In real climate science you look to natural causes first then human. The UN only looks at mankind's CO2 emissions. There is a correlation between this most recent warming trend and increased CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. However a correlation does mean there is a causal relationship happening. It's a common mistake but in the UN's case it is not a mistake but a deliberate attempt to decieve.

Why? Money and Power of course. That's why everyone with an agenda has hopped on the UN bandwagon. Politicians and Bureaucrats love it because if the ordinary citizen calls them on their lusts for money and power they wrap themselves in green and respond "Don't you care about the planet?"

At Copenhagen you'll see it's all about the Benjamins. That's why it's a scam.

What I do believe in is that we can't continue on the present course where our burning of fossil fuels is altering the Carbon Cycle by skewing the amounts of carbon that are present in each of the four main reservoirs. That has to be changed by mankind but not by listening to the UN and the alarmists. Panic makes for poor decisions which is what the UN scam is counting on.

This is serious long term business not a chance to line your pockets or advance your private agendas.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Anyone Seen Karl Rove Lately?

We know from the taped NDP caucus meeting that Layton had been plotting for some time to topple the Harper government. That means that this is not a spontaneous coalition coming together to save Canada but it is a planned grab for power.

When the coalition plotters first got together and who approached who is not known now. But knowing that this is a plot means that the Harper government would have been taken down at some time during this current session of Parliament.

So what if the Harper got wind of this plot before it could be launched?

He could not stop the plotters from sucseeding as this type of coalition is legal under our parliamentary system. So what to do?

Just what happened. Provoke the plotters into launching the plot prematurely.

What was with that motion that to take away the $1.95 per vote from the NDP, Liberals and Bloc?

All the MSM declared it was typical Harper, vindictive prick that he is... yadda yadda yadda. And not so smart either since he can't add... yadda yadda yadda.

When he did back down the coalition plotters could have too. They could have held fire until they had properly laid the out the playing field. But Harper provoked them into action only six weeks after the last election was over.

Now Canadians know about this plot and if they are anything like me they are not happy campers.

The plotters had no time to lay down a PR spin before hand. No time for a build up from their pet MSM hacks.

So now Parliament is prorogued till the end of January and the PR campaign to destroy the Separatist Sock Puppets Dion and Layton and their followers begins.

Now I will not be shedding a tear for the Sock Puppets. They have tarnished their reputations and have choosen their path which looks to me to be the Voyage of the Damned.

Now the next move is our's. Contact the backbench MP's in the Liberal and NDP parties. Let them know what you think about this plot and the abortion it produced. Don't bother with the party bigshots that are given facetime by the MSM hacks.

Harper can add. He knows if enough Canadians contact the decent people who do exist in the Liberal and NDP parties we can get them to stand up against this Separatist Coalition. It won't take many defections to derail the Sock Puppets plan.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Macleans Declared Guilty

Sorry. Just had to do it. I can't fore see the future but the BC Kangaroo Court result is pre-determined. Looking forward to seeing what punishment the PC hanging judge will give out.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

You Gotta Love The Media and NGO's

Driving home today and on the local radio station I listen to their was an environmental NGO's PR flack shilling for the upcoming Earth Hour where we're supposed to turn off the lights for one hour on Saturday for some reason having to do with global warming. This flack told the DJ that it all started in Sydney Australia last year and Sydney went dark. The DJ replies cool and the flack then said the electric grid showed a 10% reduction.

Why didn't the DJ then say whoa how can a 10% reduction turn Sydney dark? But no! On went the PR flack touting this latest feel good useless piece of eco bullshit. Perfect for all the fools who buy carbon indulgences to make them feel good as they drive their SUV through the drive through window at McDonalds.

Why do the media park their brains at the door when PR flacks from some environmental NGO show up?

Sunday, September 30, 2007

No To MMP Part 2

I never thought of this but this letter, published September 24, in response to Andrew Coyne's columns in the National Post advocating for MMP hits a very critical reason to never bring in MMP. Kudos to Mr. Paul Wilson, of Heathcote, Ontario who'se rebuttal to Mr Coyne includes this point.

"So the issue is not stable government but responsible government, which depends on our collective ability, as electors, to toss a government out. In choosing between the existing system or the new proposal, Ontario voters should not think about instant gratification ('The Greens have seats at last!"), or about which end of the political spectrum gets the advantage, but about the long-term consequences of being governed by successions of coalitions over which we, the electors, no longer hold the power of life or death."

He's right under MMP we will never be able to vote the bums out. Get rid of a bad politician by voting them out of a riding and they will just pop up again on the Party List.

Again vote No to MMP on October 10th.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Vote No on MMP (Mixed-Member Proportional)

Do not be fooled this coming election and vote for MMP. Our first past the post the post system works. The problem is low voter turnouts not the system. The process was flawed from the start. At no time was it discussed on how to increase voter turnout only what flawed system will be adopted.

MMP has three major flaws. First no party will ever have a majority again. All MMP governments are coalitions which means back room deals forever with the inevitable corruption that breeds.

Second it fractures the political system into multiple small parties whose votes are needed to create a coalition government which means the majority will be run by the minority interests of these small parties.

names and the rest will be party cronies, Third MMP contains a Party List which voters have no influence on. The party picks who is on the list not the voters. The voters can only pick which party has the least objectionable list and hold their nose and vote for it. This is the Party List and the people on it have no need to listen to the voters as their loyalty is to the Party. In the future the List will have one or two palatable names on it and the rest will be party bagmen/women, and the party leader's friends 'n' family.

Please do not vote for this flawed system in October.