Sunday, September 30, 2007

No To MMP Part 2

I never thought of this but this letter, published September 24, in response to Andrew Coyne's columns in the National Post advocating for MMP hits a very critical reason to never bring in MMP. Kudos to Mr. Paul Wilson, of Heathcote, Ontario who'se rebuttal to Mr Coyne includes this point.

"So the issue is not stable government but responsible government, which depends on our collective ability, as electors, to toss a government out. In choosing between the existing system or the new proposal, Ontario voters should not think about instant gratification ('The Greens have seats at last!"), or about which end of the political spectrum gets the advantage, but about the long-term consequences of being governed by successions of coalitions over which we, the electors, no longer hold the power of life or death."

He's right under MMP we will never be able to vote the bums out. Get rid of a bad politician by voting them out of a riding and they will just pop up again on the Party List.

Again vote No to MMP on October 10th.


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