Thursday, March 27, 2008

You Gotta Love The Media and NGO's

Driving home today and on the local radio station I listen to their was an environmental NGO's PR flack shilling for the upcoming Earth Hour where we're supposed to turn off the lights for one hour on Saturday for some reason having to do with global warming. This flack told the DJ that it all started in Sydney Australia last year and Sydney went dark. The DJ replies cool and the flack then said the electric grid showed a 10% reduction.

Why didn't the DJ then say whoa how can a 10% reduction turn Sydney dark? But no! On went the PR flack touting this latest feel good useless piece of eco bullshit. Perfect for all the fools who buy carbon indulgences to make them feel good as they drive their SUV through the drive through window at McDonalds.

Why do the media park their brains at the door when PR flacks from some environmental NGO show up?