Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The UN Global Warming Scam Part 1

If you asked me if I believed in Global Warming I would reply that depends what you are talking about. Is it the UN/NGO/Al Gore driven scam going on now that will culminate in Copenhagen?

If it is then no I don't believe in it. And the reason why is simple. If the tune changes do you look at the monkey or the organ grinder? I say you look to the organ grinder first then the monkey. The UN's IPCC reports ignore the organ grinder and say it's all the monkey's fault.

In real climate science you look to natural causes first then human. The UN only looks at mankind's CO2 emissions. There is a correlation between this most recent warming trend and increased CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. However a correlation does mean there is a causal relationship happening. It's a common mistake but in the UN's case it is not a mistake but a deliberate attempt to decieve.

Why? Money and Power of course. That's why everyone with an agenda has hopped on the UN bandwagon. Politicians and Bureaucrats love it because if the ordinary citizen calls them on their lusts for money and power they wrap themselves in green and respond "Don't you care about the planet?"

At Copenhagen you'll see it's all about the Benjamins. That's why it's a scam.

What I do believe in is that we can't continue on the present course where our burning of fossil fuels is altering the Carbon Cycle by skewing the amounts of carbon that are present in each of the four main reservoirs. That has to be changed by mankind but not by listening to the UN and the alarmists. Panic makes for poor decisions which is what the UN scam is counting on.

This is serious long term business not a chance to line your pockets or advance your private agendas.