Thursday, March 10, 2005

What I Like About My Local Paper

I have the treat of having both Eric Margolis and Gwynne Dyer being carried by my local newspaper. I can enjoy Barking Moonbats in Stereo.

Gwynne's latest column informs us of the real reason behind the US Ballistic Missile Defense System. Gwynne sees a continual process starting under Ronald Reagan.

"Such a BMD system is not yet a technological reality even now, twenty years later, but that's what it was always about: giving the United States the ability to launch a first strike against the Soviet Union and to survive the inevitable retaliation with "acceptable" losses."

And now it is the neo-conservatives who are in charge in Washington and

"they still dream of gaining the ability to carry out nuclear first strikes against other countries with impunity."

Now preceding this revelation is a a factual quote from a document from the Project for a New American Century published in 2000 on their contention that America needs a strong layered missile defense and need for the US to maintain unrestricted access to space. Now I searched around the Project's website for any references to their dream of nuclear first strikes but I couldn't find any. I guess I don't have the same secret decoder ring Gwynne uses to find out the true nature of those evil neo-cons.

And after such as feast of Idiotarian views the dessert I get to enjoy are the letters to the editor such as this.

"U.S. missile plan bid to control globe
Regarding Gwynne Dyer's column, Anti-missile plan nothing to do with defense (March 5).
The Bush anti-missile plan is an attempt to impose American dominance on the world and is not about rogue states that may want to attack the U.S. The objective is to give the United States the ability to launch nuclear strikes against another country and to neutralize any potential retaliation.
This policy is madness and advocates mass murder and destroys the premise behind mutually assured destruction (MAD), that has maintained peace between the major powers for more than 40 years. It also fits into a strategy of pre-emptive strikes, that serves as a pretext for attacks against countries that pose no threat to the U.S., but only want to be independent and not exploited for their resources. The Project for a New American Century has brazenly published these goals.
The problem is that the neo-con advocates for this madness now hold many positions of power in the Bush administration. Bush wanted Canada's diplomatic support for political, not strategic reasons.
As Dyer notes, Canada wisely has stayed out of this mad venture.
Edward C. Corrigan

I have a hunch that the author is none other than Ed Corrigan who used to be part of our local city council. Now why do you suppose I also think Ed is a member of the Liberal Party?


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