Sunday, May 22, 2005

Douglas Fisher Does It Again

His latest column is the perfect antidote to this nausea producing story that states that after the budget vote Belinda Stronach and Tim Murphy, the Prime Minister's chief of staff, were seen dancing atop a speaker at an Ottawa bar. (HT The Shotgun) Douglas Fisher's conclusion is this,

"In short, my advice to Conservatives: think about Martin and Stronach side-by-side as politicians. They're two of a kind -- he a ditherer and she rather empty. Yes, both are millionaires.

And yes, well-used bags of money are a great aid to reaching high political office. But once money gets you there, it is largely irrelevant, and certainly so in filling a sinkhole such as our democratic deficit."

Micheal Coren, Ted Byfield , Bob MacDonald and Ian Robinson also weigh in on Belinda.


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