Friday, October 21, 2005

I 'm Ethically Entitled to My Entitlements

From the Oct 21 editorial in my local rag is this.

"NDP MP Ed Broadbent asked, at a House committee hearing this week, if Dingwall felt he was ethically entitled to severance pay --given his mint salary of $277,000 a year, voluntary resignation and generous pension he'll receive as a former Liberal cabinet member.

I think I'm ethically entitled to the entitlements, which I believe are owing to me," Dingwall said.

That said it all."

It sure did. In past history there was a doctrine of governing called the Divine Right of Kings. In Canada today we are governed by a political party that believes in the Divine Right of Liberals.

Monday, October 17, 2005

China In Space

On the news this evening is the safe return to Earth of the two Chinese astronauts. Now I don't know how much that trip cost but I doubt you would get much change back from a billion dollars. Now what I want to know is why in the hell is my government sending aid money to China for?

64 million a year to be exact. The Chinese government must metaphorically piss their pants laughing when they cash that cheque. When will the Liberals wake up? Any country that decides to embark on a solo manned space program does not deserve a penny of Canadian taxpayers money.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

This is Funny

The October 13th edition of the National Post carried an ad on page A12 placed by CBC Radio for their World Report show. There is a big quote in the top of the ad attributed to a CBC Radio Fan and it reads.

"We have only one unbiased voice in Canada, and it is the CBC."

Now that made me chuckle but I doubt the ad is meant to be satirical. What an interesting glimpse into the mindset at the CBC. The leftward bias in the CBC is such the norm that the inhabitants are no more aware of it than a fish is aware of the water it swims in.

For a critical view of the CBC and it's bias go here. I think the CBC needs to go and look up term Ethnocentrism. I know when I was introduced to the term in my first year anthropology course it was a thought provoking moment for me.

Monday, October 10, 2005


Everyone in Canada should give thanks today for what we have. All the problems we have pale in comparison to what others have to endure today. Please go and donate toward earthquake relief in Pakistan or hurricane relief in Central America.

My charity of choice for this is the Canadian Red Cross.