Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The Red Ensign Standard

Via Instapundit I have found a group of Canadian Bloggers whose sites make interesting reading for a conservative. They do a round up of their sites under the name The Red Ensign Standard which is now in it's 17th edition.

I can see their reasoning behind using the Red Ensign flag. It was our flag until the Red Maple Leaf flag was adopted in 1965. I must admit I like the flag, even though the Liberal Party of Canada was responsible for it. What I don't like is the way the Liberals have treated the flag as if it is their personal property.

I remember the outcry that occurred when it was found out that the original flag was kept by the Liberal Party and displayed in the Prime Ministers Office whenever a Liberal was Prime Minister. In 2000 the Liberals finally did the right thing and gave it to Heritage Canada. Only it turns out that one was a fake. Lost or still in some Liberal's den?

Just recently on the Canadian Antiques Roadshow they had a show from the Canadian Museum of Civilization. There a man came in and he had the original Maple Leaf flag that flew from the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill. How did he get it? His relative worked there back in 1965 and someone in the Liberal party gave it to him. No sense that the flag was historic and belonged to Canada and was not the property of Liberal Party to give away.


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