Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Salim Mansur is on a Roll

He has two good columns today in the local paper and the National Post. (Sorry Subscribers Only)

The local column on the House of Commons has this money quote,

"The Liberal party got its reprieve, and might well spin this into an electoral victory of some sort or other.

That would not be surprising, for the Liberal Party of Canada is not merely a party, as are its opposite numbers. It is an institution that has become more or less indistinguishable from the state, its personnel and influence deeply embedded within society, its self-image inseparable from how the country increasingly views itself as a people gifted by nature to innovate new relationships of sex, wealth and power, unbidden by any traditional constraints of faith and family.

Hence, if the Liberal party is returned to government, however contrite it pretends to be in public, the electorate will be passing judgment less on a party without scruples than on themselves as a people content with their own reflections in the country's mirror."

Very True and a warning to Ontario and Atlantic Canada. The only two regions likely to be voting for the Liberals to return to power in the next election."

In the National Post column he brings up the point of who's rights the Liberals feel should get precedent in our society.

"Notwithstanding the Liberals' moral posturing, what they seek to do on same-sex marriage is advance the alleged equality rights of one minority group by diluting the rights of other minority groups. On what principled basis is this judgment being made? Explicit protections for multiculturalism and freedom of religion are both contained in the text of the Charter. Gay rights are not. So why would the Liberals' privilege the latter over the former?"

Salim Mansur's conclusion.

"There is a simple solution that would be respected by almost everyone in Canada: As in France, we could institute civil unions for homosexual couples while maintaining the opposite-sex requirement for marriage. This would give gays and lesbians all the substantive rights they would enjoy under C-38. But Liberals, apparently out of a dogmatic desire to impose their secular social vision on Canada, have refused to consider such an arrangement.

This arrogance is an insult to every minority in this country, save one."


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