Thursday, June 23, 2005

Global Warming Comment

Do I think the world is getting warmer? Yes. Do I believe it is caused by mankind? No. I know from history that the world was warmer in the past. Greenland is so named because when the Vikings arrived they found the southern fiords lush with vegetation. Now in Der Speigel is a story that the shrinking glaciers occuring now in the Alps is a natural event that also happened back in the Roman's time. Which probably helped Hannibal cross the Alps.

So to me the global warming proponets have not made their case yet that we are not seeing anything other than our planet entering a phase of it's climate that is perfectly natural. Now I am not dogmatic enough to think we may not be aggravating this trend and make it a little warmer than in the past. And I know the weather is not a Newtonian system but a chaotic system so we may change the shape of the strange attractor of our climate to our detriment. But overall I am not convinced yet. So needless to say I am not onside with the Kyoto Protocol.

To me a good rule of thumb is when you are looking at large scale systems such as our planet it is always best to first look toward the organ grinder not the monkey. We may be the smartest monkey on the planet but at the end of the day we still are just a monkey. Mother Nature is the organ grinder and calls the tunes. Of course some people are not smart enough to see that. Take one Charles Secrett who says in the Independent that,

"...we are killing the planet. That is not an exaggeration, but a scientific fact."

No Charles, that is not a scientific fact only your opinion, which I think owes more to environmental dogma than facts. We humans are incapable of killing the planet. We could possibly bring about our own extinction if we really, really tried. But the planet will survive what ever we do and life will survive as well. More powerful forces than us puny monkeys have done worse to our planet.

So this is another rule of thumb. When you hear someone saying we are destroying the planet or in this case killing the planet you are listening to someone who is scientifically illiterate. The planet will be destroyed, only not by us but by Mother Nature, when the sun enters it's next phase in it's stellar evolution.

Charles Secrett is the environmental advisor to Ken Livingstone, the mayor of London, who came out with this gem. At least we now know where it came from. You don't know whether to laugh or cry when you see someone like this in a position as an advisor.


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