Friday, January 27, 2006

The Mistake on the Lake

I would like to start the ball rolling to get everyone to call Toronto the Mistake on the Lake. If this phrase sounds familar it was first coined to describe Cleveland. Things were so bad there that even their river caught fire. Now it is a tourist destination.

In the 21st century I nominate Toronto to assume the mantle of Mistake on the Lake. It is the Sheeple of Toronto who denied Canada a stable government by still backing the most corrupt political party in Canadian History. Now the Mainstream Media based in the Mistake on the Lake are fretting that the MOTL has no MPs in government.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

BDS Outbreak in Canada

In the US people on the left have become consumed by Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS) after his re-election. Now the prospect of Stephen Harper's Conservatives coming to power has spawned our own Canadian equivalent, Harper Derangement Syndrome (HDS).

Case in point Buzz Hargrove urging voters to vote for the Bloc to stop the Tories in Quebec. Whoops. Way to stand up for Canada Buzz.

Then not to be out done, PSAC urges it's members, federal civil servants, to vote for the Bloc in 4 Quebec ridings in the Hull area. Uh, PSAC, if the Bloc gets it's way there won't be many jobs left for your members.

Wow. Buzz really has a terminal case of HDS. Now he is campaigning for Belinda Stronach. Uh, Buzz, you are the leader of the Canadian Auto Workers Union, and Belinda's family owns the largest non-union auto parts company in Canada. I wonder how the rank and file feel.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Wonder If the Liberals Will Resort to This?

In 1991 in the Louisiana Gubernatorial Race the choice the voters had was between Edwin Edwards of the Democratic Party and the Neo- Nazi and former Klan Leader David Duke running as a Republican. Edwards was a corrupt politician and was convicted and sent to prison in 2002. But back in 1991 he was only perceived to be corrupt.

There appeared a very popular bumperstickers at the time that stated "Vote For The Crook. It's Important". I wonder why the rocket scientists behind the Liberal attack ads aren't using this slogan? After all it worked for Edwards.

Neat. I googled the bumpersticker hoping to find a picture of it. Instead I find Michael Adams has beat me to the punch in an article in the Globe and Mail where he brings up the Edwards campaign.

Which brings up something I never thought I would see in my lifetime. The mainstream media is abandoning the Liberals. Even down south Instapundit has picked up on this and has a link to PeakTalk discussing this. Alas, it won't last, and they will be back once Paul Martin leaves.

Friday, January 13, 2006

This Is A Historic Election

It is not about party platforms or party leaders. It is about the future of Canada. Does the C in your Canada stand for corruption? If you vote Liberal you are saying it does. If you believe Canada should have honest government then vote for anyone but the Liberals.

The Liberals are the most corrupt political party in Canadian history. The corruption the Liberals have established in Ottawa is not the petty venality that exists in any organization where money is available. No, this is the the corruption that destroys countries in the long run. This is the time to remove this malignant party from our body politic. Vote for anyone but the Liberals.

They have corrupted the very functions of government itself. One example. Our national police force, the RCMP, should investigate money laundering schemes, under the Liberals they were part of a money laundering scheme. Vote for anyone but the Liberals.

Do not reward the Liberals for their behavior. If you believe as David Dingwall does that Liberals are entitled to their entitlements. Then vote Liberal. If you do not believe the Liberals have a divine right to rule vote for anyone but the Liberals.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

What I Worry About With Stephen Harper

It is not that Stephen Harper will bring about change but that he will not bring about change. All we will accomplish will be replacing Liberal corruption with Tory corruption. As the Who sang "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss".

Do I think that will will happen? No. But I thought that in the past when I voted for Brian Mulroney in 1984.