Wednesday, January 18, 2006

BDS Outbreak in Canada

In the US people on the left have become consumed by Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS) after his re-election. Now the prospect of Stephen Harper's Conservatives coming to power has spawned our own Canadian equivalent, Harper Derangement Syndrome (HDS).

Case in point Buzz Hargrove urging voters to vote for the Bloc to stop the Tories in Quebec. Whoops. Way to stand up for Canada Buzz.

Then not to be out done, PSAC urges it's members, federal civil servants, to vote for the Bloc in 4 Quebec ridings in the Hull area. Uh, PSAC, if the Bloc gets it's way there won't be many jobs left for your members.

Wow. Buzz really has a terminal case of HDS. Now he is campaigning for Belinda Stronach. Uh, Buzz, you are the leader of the Canadian Auto Workers Union, and Belinda's family owns the largest non-union auto parts company in Canada. I wonder how the rank and file feel.


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