Monday, January 16, 2006

Wonder If the Liberals Will Resort to This?

In 1991 in the Louisiana Gubernatorial Race the choice the voters had was between Edwin Edwards of the Democratic Party and the Neo- Nazi and former Klan Leader David Duke running as a Republican. Edwards was a corrupt politician and was convicted and sent to prison in 2002. But back in 1991 he was only perceived to be corrupt.

There appeared a very popular bumperstickers at the time that stated "Vote For The Crook. It's Important". I wonder why the rocket scientists behind the Liberal attack ads aren't using this slogan? After all it worked for Edwards.

Neat. I googled the bumpersticker hoping to find a picture of it. Instead I find Michael Adams has beat me to the punch in an article in the Globe and Mail where he brings up the Edwards campaign.

Which brings up something I never thought I would see in my lifetime. The mainstream media is abandoning the Liberals. Even down south Instapundit has picked up on this and has a link to PeakTalk discussing this. Alas, it won't last, and they will be back once Paul Martin leaves.


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