Friday, March 18, 2005

I Can Now See Why Eventually You Leave Blogger

I have experienced server problems with Blogger. For two days I tried posting and got the page could not be displayed message. Couldn't even save as a draft. This is why, even though it is free and servicable for my wants now, I will eventually switch to a program like Moveable Type and buy space on a server somewhere.

What I do know is that server will not be in Canada. We have some odious election gag laws, overeaching human rights commisions and free speech denying hate laws. I don't like the speech of the extremists on all sides of the political spectrum but I don't think they should be censored. It never stops them but only sends them underground. I always like free speech because then you can identify the idiots.

I think as bloggers get more attention up here in Canada they will fall under government scrutiny and may have laws passed like the McCain Fiengold law in the US.


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