Thursday, April 28, 2005

Will The Liberals Be Re-elected?

It looks like Stephan Harper will try bring down the government with a motion of non-confidence in Parliament as soon as May 18th with the election then occurring on June 27th.

The big question then is can the Liberals win that election? If they do it will be because of two factors. To be blunt I call them the Braindead Voters of Ontario and the Bribed Voters of Atlantic Canada. In my local paper yesterday there were two letters to the editor that exemplify the Braindead I am talking about. I copied them here as I do not how fast link rot sets in on that site.

Don't condemn Grits until facts are known

I'll accept Paul Martin's apology for now -- because the alternatives are worse.

The Conservatives? A bunch of "rednecks" who appeal to "rednecks" and say a lot of absolute rubbish.

Besides, I remember the last Conservative government and am reminded of it everytime I buy anything.

At least Martin apologized for his party's bad decisions. Brian Mulroney's government was the worst in Canada's history.

The NDP? A leader totally in love with himself, who doesn't know when to stop admiring himself.

The Bloc? In any other country, that bunch would have been thrown in prison for encouraging the breakup of the nation.

I want to know all the facts before I judge Martin; that's what we are all guaranteed in our justice system. I know the Gomery inquiry is not a court of law, but the principle of "innocent until proven guilty" should apply here as well. It's the Canadian way.

Get back to work, the lot of you, and stop politicking. It's getting nauseous.

Rob Headley

Political hindsight is always perfect

I am neither Liberal nor Conservative, but I am Canadian. The monies spent on the sponsorship program, though not popular by today's standards, may have saved Canada from being fractured by Quebec becoming an independent state.

This is my Canada and it includes Quebec . . . no matter what the cost.

Many things in history have proven not to be popular when looked at in the rear-view mirror. This is just another example.

To squander another few million on an election to change the government again, in the hopes the next party in power will make all things right, is illogical if not incredibly naive.

Randy O. Welch

We will see the mainstream media like the CBC play to these sentiments once the election is called. And now that the money taps have opened with the Liberal /NDP backroom deal we can expect more goodies to go to Atlantic Canada just like in the last election.

"Parties do this because they know historically that this stuff works," said David Johnson, a professor at the University College of Cape Breton in Sydney, N.S.

"It may seem transparent to us and to many voters but by-and-large, it works. Local MPs are petrified to not have big announcements with a cheque coming down the pipe. It works because who doesn't want to see money coming down to your local economy? Who turns down a gift?"

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Looks Like Jack Layton Got Taken

If this post is true then it looks like Jack Layton prostituted his party and himself for nothing. Couldn't happen to a better guy.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

This is Priceless

Well it happened. The NDP's "Smiling" Jack Layton prostituted himself and his party to prop up the Federal Liberal Party. After watching the antics of the NDP over the years I have come to think that NDP stands for No Damn Principles and this news just confirms it. What was amusing was watching Layton's announcement. I thought he should have had a soundtrack behind him as he announced how wonderful Canada will be now that his party is propping up the most corrupt political party in Canadian History.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

It's Nice to See Paul Martin in Trouble

The Gomery Inquiry is the major reason of course but what I like is that the other area's of Paul Martin life are being looked at. Maurice Strong is a figure most Canadians don't know about but he is very powerful in certain circles. This quintessential Tranzi is an advisor to Paul Martin which is scary. And it now looks he is involved in the Oil for School Scandal. What is the stuff of conspiracy theories is the link between Maurice Strong, Paul Martin and the Liberals overall to the Power Corporation.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Blogging Has Been Light Lately

I now have a new laptop with a CD burner in it. My old laptop had a CD drive but it was so lame I could not rip a single CD due to jitter errors. But now I not only can rip CD's but burn them as well. So that is what I have been doing recently with my computer. Ripping my CD collection and I am not going to be pounding the keyboard when that is happening. So far I have ripped over 50 GB and I am not done yet.

One unexpected result has been I now need a bigger capacity MP3 player than I had before. Ripping at 320 kbps vs the 128 kbps you can download off the Internet means my iRiver player is no longer adequate. So this past Saturday I picked up an iPod Mini. I used it today at the gym and I am impressed. So till I get my music organized blogging will be light unless I see something I just can't let go by with commenting.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The hypocrisy of the Anti War Left

I have long known that the anti-war movements around the world are not really anti-war per se as much as they are against the West, and especially against the US. It is always nice to see this shown by their actions. Bush visits Germany and thousands protest, Putin visits there and a handfull show up to protest. You would think if Iraq is worth taking to the streets for, then Chechnya would be too. But you would be wrong.

via (Damianation)

Friday, April 08, 2005

Will The Sheep Look Up?

I was dismayed when after the last federal election the Liberals were again returned to power. It amazed me that the sheep in Ontario voted for the Liberals and that was the only reason they were able to cling to power. I despaired for the future of my country as it looked like the sheep in Ontario would continue to return the Liberals to power no matter how corrupt, arrogant or incompetent they were.

I felt, that by the time the sheep did look up, it would be too late for the future of my country. The sheep would only look up when they smelt the blood on the slaughterhouse floor and by then it would be to late and we would be on our way to becoming the Argentina of the North.

Now thanks to the Gomery Inquiry we might see the sheep look up now and the future direction of my country may not be so bleak. Time will tell. Of course the Sheep Dogs in the Canadian Mainstream Media will still try to ride herd on the sheep for the Liberals. But now there is an alternative voice available to the citizens of Canada. Blogs have entered the political consciousness of Canada as they have in the US. Why even my local paper has a story on blogs. It will be interesting if the upcoming UK election will be the coming out party for political bloggers in England.

A bit of local musical trivia. A band called Sheep Look Up used to play in London back in eighties.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Interesting Turn of Events with David Ahenakew

I was taken aback when I saw on the news last night that David Ahenakew was on trail for spreading hate. I had always assumed that as member of the First Nations he had gotten a free pass from the government for his vile attack on the Jews.

The bad news for David Ahenakew is he is not contrite.

"So you still believe today, in 2005, that the Jewish people started the Second World War?" Crown prosecutor Brent Klause asked Ahenakew.

"Yes," he responded.

Even worse is his choice of lawyers, Doug Christie, who always seems to be the lawyer of choice whenever a neo-nazi ends up in the Canadian courts. His defense that Ahenakew's speech where he attacked the Jews at a public meeting, with members of the media present no less, is actually a private conversation, is ludicrous.

If this is best Christie can do then Ahenakew will end up convicted just like most of Christie's client end up. What happens next is going to be interesting. Will the judge subcumb to political correctness and let Ahenakew off? And, if he is convicted, will the government do the right thing and strip him of his Order of Canada?

Gomery and the Blogosphere

Thanks to Blogger again having problems I did not post yesterday on the extraordinary events that occurred over the weekend when one American blogger started posted information on what was being testified at in the Gomery Inquiry. In Canada this testimony was subject to a publication ban but that was not the case in the US. That meant that anyone who wanted to track down what was posted could. Check out what you get if you type Gomery into Technorati.

The fallout was immediate. You could watch the Canadian media duck and Canadian bloggers weave around how to get the story out and not break the ban. And watching the Liberals squirming as they try to spin their way out of this mess is enjoyable.

I feel that in the long run the actions of this American blogger will bring out calls to regulate the Blogosphere here in Canada just as it has in the US. Time will tell.

Update @ 7:56 pm (via Instapundit) a roundup of links to bloggers on the Gomery Inquiry at My Aisling. Are there Canadian bloggers breaking the ban on the list? I don't know as I didn't check every link. But I am willing to bet there are.