Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Gomery and the Blogosphere

Thanks to Blogger again having problems I did not post yesterday on the extraordinary events that occurred over the weekend when one American blogger started posted information on what was being testified at in the Gomery Inquiry. In Canada this testimony was subject to a publication ban but that was not the case in the US. That meant that anyone who wanted to track down what was posted could. Check out what you get if you type Gomery into Technorati.

The fallout was immediate. You could watch the Canadian media duck and Canadian bloggers weave around how to get the story out and not break the ban. And watching the Liberals squirming as they try to spin their way out of this mess is enjoyable.

I feel that in the long run the actions of this American blogger will bring out calls to regulate the Blogosphere here in Canada just as it has in the US. Time will tell.

Update @ 7:56 pm (via Instapundit) a roundup of links to bloggers on the Gomery Inquiry at My Aisling. Are there Canadian bloggers breaking the ban on the list? I don't know as I didn't check every link. But I am willing to bet there are.


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