Friday, May 27, 2005

At Least Quebec Get's It

Unlike Ontario. Quebec looks set to deliver a huge defeat to the Liberal Party in Quebec. First in the upcoming provincial election then in the subsequent federal election. Unlike Ontario which looks like it will return the Liberals to power both provincially and federally.

Now on todays front page of the National Post is the headline "Quebec Bans Sharia". Yesterday the Quebec government passed an unanimously adopted resolution in the Quebec National Assembly to oppose "the establishment of so-called Islamic tribunals in Quebec and in Canada ," making the province the first to explicitly ban the use of sharia law.

Here's the money quote;

"It's important to send a very clear message that there's one rule of law in Quebec," Premier Jean Charest said. "In our case, we are very much an inclusive society, but a society that will govern itself by one set of rules."

Contrast this with Ontario. What do our provincial Liberals do when confronted by the demand to introduce Sharia law in Ontario? Why they appoint one of the doyennes of Political Correctness, Marion Boyd, to produce a report on what Ontario should do.

I thought at the time this is going to be interesting. We were going to witness what happens when two of the sibboleths of the Left collide. Will Women's Rights or Official Multiculturalism win?

To my surprise Ms. Boyd tossed the rights of immigrant Muslim women in the trash can and came out in favour of Sharia law. Oh, she dressed up her decision with a number of face saving recommendations. But at the end of the day, the bottom line is she recommends that Ontario adopt the most misogynistic system of law in existence today.

Jean Charest has it right. One system of law for all. Ms. Boyd doesn't get it. I await to see if the provincial Liberals get it.


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