Wednesday, June 29, 2005

CBC The WaBenzi's Best Friend

Just saw a segment on the CBC National newshow on the upcoming Live 8 concerts. Heavy emphasis on stirring up liberal guilt using interviews with members of the NGO's that are looking to stuff their bank accounts with money from the Canadian taxpayers. No mention from them of the WaBenzi. Only in a brief clip from a Tony Blair speech did the concept of good governance come up. From the CBC commentator and the NGO's? It's nothing to see here, move along please, just drop your cash off at the door, thanks.

Good governance is the 500 pound gorilla in the room which the CBC and NGO's studiously ignore. But not addressing that particular gorilla means all the money they manage to guilt trip out of the taxpayers just will end up financing the lifestyles of the WaBenzi. All and all, another typical substandard, one sided CBC news segment. I imagine the WaBenzi are already leafing through the latest '06 catalogs from Stuggart and Munich just waiting for the cash to roll in.


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