Saturday, March 19, 2005

Why Can't I See Our Peace Protesters?

From the bloggers at The London Fog I learned that there was to be an anti-war protest today in London. So I just watched my local tv station, the New PL, and what do I see? No London coverage but lots of time on the Windsor Protest. The Windsor protest looked to be more a Lebanese rally that co-opted the anti-war moonbat protest. Nothing new from the moonbats. Bush lied about WMD and its all about oil ....yadda yadda yadda.

So what happened in London? No one showed up? Or was it that whoever did show up were so lame that the New PL didn't broadcast anything out of pity? I guess I will wait to see what the Free Press has tomorrow or hopefully one of the London Fog crew was there and will post a report.

Update: The 11 pm New PL News had expanded the anti-war coverage by including video from London England but still nothing from London Canada. They had an inteveiw with an Iraqi who susposundly attended the London rally after coming back from visiting Iraq for the first time in 23 years. I have no transcript of what she said but it seems like she said Baghdad is burnt to ground and the streets are filled with amputees. Nice woman.


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