Monday, May 30, 2005

Hurray for the French

I didn't think I would every write that. The French put a monkeywrench to the plans of the EU elites that are trying to push Europe into a a gigantic super bureaucratic state. Now the French didn't vote against the EU constitution for the right reasons. As David Carr, a contributor to the Samizdata group blog, writes.

"Wrong reasons, right result

To all French crypto-communists, syndicalists, marxists, trotskyites, leninists, stalinists, national socialists, socialist nationalists, primitivists, Trade Union dinosaurs, student activists, greenie nutters, neo-fascists, old fashioned fascists, quasi-crypto-troglodyte-Pol-Pottist-year zero-flat-earthers, looney tunes and enviro-goons... Merci Beaucoup!!!!

I could kiss every single one of you (but I do not know how to say that in French)."

Now the EU elites won't take this defeat lying down. Just as happened in Ireland when the voters voted against the Nice treaty on EU expansion in 2001. The EU will go back again to the French voters to get them capitulate like the Irish did in 2002.

For a look at some of the right reasons why the French should have voted against the EU constitution read this Mark Steyn column. I couldn't believe it when I read that this just written EU constitution was a over 400 pages long. I may be wrong but I think the US constitution started out on one page. That is a constitutional document. The EU constitution is more of a bureaucratic operating manual masquerading as a constitution. It delves into the depths of bureaucratic minutiae on how the EU will intrude into all aspects of people of Europe.

Thank god I do not live there. But I can see the tranzi element in the Federal Liberal party loooking at the EU constitution with envy.

Friday, May 27, 2005

At Least Quebec Get's It

Unlike Ontario. Quebec looks set to deliver a huge defeat to the Liberal Party in Quebec. First in the upcoming provincial election then in the subsequent federal election. Unlike Ontario which looks like it will return the Liberals to power both provincially and federally.

Now on todays front page of the National Post is the headline "Quebec Bans Sharia". Yesterday the Quebec government passed an unanimously adopted resolution in the Quebec National Assembly to oppose "the establishment of so-called Islamic tribunals in Quebec and in Canada ," making the province the first to explicitly ban the use of sharia law.

Here's the money quote;

"It's important to send a very clear message that there's one rule of law in Quebec," Premier Jean Charest said. "In our case, we are very much an inclusive society, but a society that will govern itself by one set of rules."

Contrast this with Ontario. What do our provincial Liberals do when confronted by the demand to introduce Sharia law in Ontario? Why they appoint one of the doyennes of Political Correctness, Marion Boyd, to produce a report on what Ontario should do.

I thought at the time this is going to be interesting. We were going to witness what happens when two of the sibboleths of the Left collide. Will Women's Rights or Official Multiculturalism win?

To my surprise Ms. Boyd tossed the rights of immigrant Muslim women in the trash can and came out in favour of Sharia law. Oh, she dressed up her decision with a number of face saving recommendations. But at the end of the day, the bottom line is she recommends that Ontario adopt the most misogynistic system of law in existence today.

Jean Charest has it right. One system of law for all. Ms. Boyd doesn't get it. I await to see if the provincial Liberals get it.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

A Sign of Hope

Via Damianation I learn that the British Teachers Union has decided reverse their decision to boycott several Israeli universities. A good sign that maybe a little sanity is starting to appear. Israel should not be exempt from criticism but the current climate on university campuses goes beyond just criticism of Israeli policies into outright calls for the countries extinction.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Salim Mansur is on a Roll

He has two good columns today in the local paper and the National Post. (Sorry Subscribers Only)

The local column on the House of Commons has this money quote,

"The Liberal party got its reprieve, and might well spin this into an electoral victory of some sort or other.

That would not be surprising, for the Liberal Party of Canada is not merely a party, as are its opposite numbers. It is an institution that has become more or less indistinguishable from the state, its personnel and influence deeply embedded within society, its self-image inseparable from how the country increasingly views itself as a people gifted by nature to innovate new relationships of sex, wealth and power, unbidden by any traditional constraints of faith and family.

Hence, if the Liberal party is returned to government, however contrite it pretends to be in public, the electorate will be passing judgment less on a party without scruples than on themselves as a people content with their own reflections in the country's mirror."

Very True and a warning to Ontario and Atlantic Canada. The only two regions likely to be voting for the Liberals to return to power in the next election."

In the National Post column he brings up the point of who's rights the Liberals feel should get precedent in our society.

"Notwithstanding the Liberals' moral posturing, what they seek to do on same-sex marriage is advance the alleged equality rights of one minority group by diluting the rights of other minority groups. On what principled basis is this judgment being made? Explicit protections for multiculturalism and freedom of religion are both contained in the text of the Charter. Gay rights are not. So why would the Liberals' privilege the latter over the former?"

Salim Mansur's conclusion.

"There is a simple solution that would be respected by almost everyone in Canada: As in France, we could institute civil unions for homosexual couples while maintaining the opposite-sex requirement for marriage. This would give gays and lesbians all the substantive rights they would enjoy under C-38. But Liberals, apparently out of a dogmatic desire to impose their secular social vision on Canada, have refused to consider such an arrangement.

This arrogance is an insult to every minority in this country, save one."

The Left Strikes Again

One of the reasons I have lost a lot of respect for the Left is their sheer historical illiteracy. First there was the Bush = Hitler meme. Now we have a news story where Amensty International calls the Guantanamo Bay the 'gulag of our times.

Then in the same piece the Associated Press reporter, Paisley Dodds, informs us about the gulag Amensty International is referring to,

"The use of the term gulag refers to the extensive system of prison camps in the former Soviet Union, many in remote regions of Siberia and specifically designed to hold political prisoners. The Soviets took over the system from the czarist government and expanded it after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Untold thousands of prisoners of the so-called gulags died from hunger, cold, harsh treatment and overwork."

Amazing. I know AP can be biased but this is ridiculous. Untold thousands died in the so called gulags? Yes, it sure did expand after 1917.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Ezra Levant Doesn't Believe Chuck

His column shows he doesn't believe Chuck Cadman. Hopefully the people of Labrador understand what is a stake and reverse their history of voting Liberal and elect a Conservative in tomorrow's federal byelection. Then Chuck won't matter. But I won't bet on it.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Douglas Fisher Does It Again

His latest column is the perfect antidote to this nausea producing story that states that after the budget vote Belinda Stronach and Tim Murphy, the Prime Minister's chief of staff, were seen dancing atop a speaker at an Ottawa bar. (HT The Shotgun) Douglas Fisher's conclusion is this,

"In short, my advice to Conservatives: think about Martin and Stronach side-by-side as politicians. They're two of a kind -- he a ditherer and she rather empty. Yes, both are millionaires.

And yes, well-used bags of money are a great aid to reaching high political office. But once money gets you there, it is largely irrelevant, and certainly so in filling a sinkhole such as our democratic deficit."

Micheal Coren, Ted Byfield , Bob MacDonald and Ian Robinson also weigh in on Belinda.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Well I Was Wrong About Chuck

Well it looks like Chuck Cadman didn't get anything in return for his vote. His reason though is lame. He is supposedly concerned about the criminal justice system and he didn't use his vote to accomplish any reforms to that system.

A shame since last night was the only time in his life when he had the power to accomplish anything. Hopefully the reason he didn't use his vote that way was because he would not make a deal like that because of his principles. Unlike Belinda Stronach.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

What Will Chuck Get?

Chuck Cadman supported the most corrupt political party in Canadian history tonight. I await tomorrows papers to see why he did it. If he regurgitates the same platitudes like Belinda Stronach then I will be very suspicious and await him landing some juicy patronage plum in the future.

Don't Worry, Be Happy

There will be an election.

Steven Harper will now not be smeared by the Liberal Media Handmaidens on how he forced an summer election on Canadians.

Belinda Stronach now has to think on her feet during Question Period and in the media scrum afterwards without her priced handlers coaching her. Delicious entertainment to come.

The Liberals still are the most corrupt political party in Canadian history.

Well I Was Wrong

It did come down to a tie, 152 vs 152, and the speaker voted with the Liberals.

The Big Budget Vote is Coming Up

My favorite outcome would be a tie vote on the Budget with the Speaker of the House voting against the Liberals. Why? Because he consulted constitutional lawyers on the Liberals recent behavior and the consensus of the experts was that Parliament should have been dissolved when the Liberals lost the recent votes of confidence. Will it happen? I hope but I won't bet on it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Belinda's Aftermath

The praises for Belinda are already starting, even from unlikely places. For instance when listening this morning to the local radio station AM980 the commentator remarked he knows Belinda Stronach is alright. How? Why he once sat at the same table with her at some local award dinner when she traveled the rubber chicken circuit for Magna. Mindboggling.

For some more pragmatic observations I suggest you visit Mark Steyn or Andrew Coyne. Or go to Google News and and type in Christie Blatchford and look for her May 18th column. I totally agree with David Warrens piece on Belinda Stronach. If the Liberals are returned to power this country is toast.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Good Bye Belinda

And Good Riddance! Belinda Stronach's defection to the Liberals shows she belongs with that party. As Paul Martin says, "he and the 39-year-old Stronach share common beliefs on questions of policy and politics".

Such as corruption, cronyism, incompetence, waste, and arrogance. I wonder how Martha Hall Findlay feels today? After losing the election to Belinda Stronach by 689 votes in 2004 I imagine she can write her own ticket with Paul Martin. Perhaps a plum patronage appointment in Paris for standing aside at the next riding nomination?

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Elections BC Is Just The Start

I expect to see Elections Canada follow suit and do what Elections BC is doing. Trying to shut down freedom of expression is nothing new here in Canada. I predict we will see bloggers as the next target for Elections Canada.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Huffington Post aka Fish in a Barrel

I suggest you bookmark this new site, The Huffington Post, which bills itself as "Delivering News and Opinion Since May 9, 2005". Another on-line news source is not needed. What will make this site interesting will be some of the people the site's creator Arianna Huffington has persuaded to write for the sites blog. We talking about Hollywood here. It's going to be one stop shopping to find a Limousine Liberal to fisk.

Enjoy the first fisking I have seen of a Huffington post. Here's Fisking Meathead. (via lgf)

I imagine it won't be long before Barbara Streisand shows up.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

This is Going to be Good to Watch

In the National Post today is a small story (sorry for subscribers only) on how the Earnscliffe Strategy Group, a company stocked with Paul Martin backroom operatives, are suing Warren Kinsella for libel. Warren was one of Jean Chretien's backroom operatives. Why?

Because there is bad blood between the Martin and Chretien camps. So last month we had the spectacle of Warren testifying before a House of Commons public accounts committee alleging that Earnscliffe was improperly given polling and research contracts when now Prime Minister Paul Martin was Minister of Finance.

Now comes the stupid part. Earnscliffe's libel suit is based on the allegations Warren made before the committee which were protected by parliamentary privilege. WTF you say? It seems that now Earnscliffe believes that Warren lost his claim to privilege by posting links on his personal blog to the parliamentary transcripts of his testimony.

Now watching Liberal cronies attack each other is good entertainment. But what Earnscliffe is attempting to do is of concern to all who value freedom of expression on the Internet. As much as I do not like Warren Kinsella I support his right to link to anything on his blog.

Earnscliffe is web illiterate which makes them dumb but still dangerous if they win this suit. How dumb? Just check out their website. According to a Whois search it was approved in 2000, last modified in 2004, and renewed this year. And this is the best they can come up with?

Now Earnscliffe's aim can't be to suppress the allegations. Just checked Technorati and got 144 hits on Earnscliffe. And big time journalists like Andrew Coyne have the story on their blog. So I think this is a case of typical Liberal vindictiveness.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Hope You Had a Merry May Day

It is to bad the Labour Unions use May 1st to celebrate as well as the Communists. Not an association I would want to have today, though I can see where it is linked historically. It never ceases to amaze me that Communism gets a pass when it should be regarded the same way as Fascism is today. It boggles the mind that someone would buy something like this.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Great Douglas Fisher Column

This column should be read by every Canadian. I think he has been around Ottawa long enough to be able to pass this type of damning opinion.