Monday, May 30, 2005

Hurray for the French

I didn't think I would every write that. The French put a monkeywrench to the plans of the EU elites that are trying to push Europe into a a gigantic super bureaucratic state. Now the French didn't vote against the EU constitution for the right reasons. As David Carr, a contributor to the Samizdata group blog, writes.

"Wrong reasons, right result

To all French crypto-communists, syndicalists, marxists, trotskyites, leninists, stalinists, national socialists, socialist nationalists, primitivists, Trade Union dinosaurs, student activists, greenie nutters, neo-fascists, old fashioned fascists, quasi-crypto-troglodyte-Pol-Pottist-year zero-flat-earthers, looney tunes and enviro-goons... Merci Beaucoup!!!!

I could kiss every single one of you (but I do not know how to say that in French)."

Now the EU elites won't take this defeat lying down. Just as happened in Ireland when the voters voted against the Nice treaty on EU expansion in 2001. The EU will go back again to the French voters to get them capitulate like the Irish did in 2002.

For a look at some of the right reasons why the French should have voted against the EU constitution read this Mark Steyn column. I couldn't believe it when I read that this just written EU constitution was a over 400 pages long. I may be wrong but I think the US constitution started out on one page. That is a constitutional document. The EU constitution is more of a bureaucratic operating manual masquerading as a constitution. It delves into the depths of bureaucratic minutiae on how the EU will intrude into all aspects of people of Europe.

Thank god I do not live there. But I can see the tranzi element in the Federal Liberal party loooking at the EU constitution with envy.


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