Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The End of TV Reality Shows

How can any network schedule some "fauve" survival show now? NOLA is going feral and the Red Neck Riviera is flattened. Eatin worms for some F'n TV show v.s. "Timmy eat the F'n worm it's all we got.

Gas Pump Gouging

I pass a certain Shell Station every day on the way to work in the morning. This Monday the price per liter was $1.01. Tuesday it was up to $1.04 and this morning it shot up to $1.14.

Now no one can tell me that is not gouging. The gas industry tries to bamboozle the public by saying it's supply and demand. Bullshit. I can see the prices going up in the future due to the hurricane but not instantaneously across the whole system like this.

Monday, August 29, 2005

My Tax Money At Work

London City Hall refused to renew the lease with the Jones family that has run Wonderland Gardens for decades and took over the facility. Not to run it of course but to get rid of it. Taking a favorite tactic of developers in London they did minimum maintenance and let time take it's course.

This afternoon City Hall's tactic paid off and the dance hall portion of the property burnt down. The restaurant and dance shell still survive but for how long? I can see our local politicians now crying crocodile tears as they explain why they have no choice but to sell the property to some developer.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

You've Got To Love Unions

They demand that employers have a diverse workforce. But unions operate on the principal of senority, the last person hired will be the first person let go. So the employer undertakes to diversify it's workforce. (Just don't mention the word quotas.) Then when things go wrong, like when there is a strike, it might be the case that the people who are let go first maybe be overwhelming composed of minorities.

Yup, which is exactly what we see at Hydro One. Of course, the union won't say this, but will naturally accuse the employer of discrimination.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The New governor General is a Done Deal

It is disgusting to see the MSM in Canada literally falling over themselves to sing the praises of the new governor General after her statement yesterday. The Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star I can see as they are Liberal Party mouthpieces, The National Post even has a piece from a Liberal Party toady, excuse me a "volunteer advisor to Paul Martin and a registered federal lobbyist", telling us plebians to get over this. Sorry it's behind the subscriber firewall so no link. I see the hand of the Aspers behind this piece, maybe to makeup of Andrew Coyne?

The one good thing about the CBC strike is we aren't subjected to the Liberal propaganda they would be spewing out on Michael Jean.

At least we still have the Sun chain where their columnists aren't as gullible or compromised as their brethren in the MSM. Rick Bell, Licia Corbella, and Michael Taube still get it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The New Goverrnor General is a Joke

Go read Andrew Coyne's columns in the National Post on this fiasco. Unfortunately some are subscriber only so go visit his site to see them when they get posted or look him up on Google. From all I can see the issue is are these two separatist sympathizers? And what's up with hanging around with convicted terrorists?

Michele Jean, or new GG, has issued a statement, but read this little passage.

"Let me be clear: we have never belonged to a political party or the separatist movement."

Notice how she doesn't address whether she agrees with the seperatists. Only that she didn't join the movement itself. What bad place the Liberals have placed Canada in.

Scroll down to the end of the statement above and you find this little gem.

"Meanwhile, French embassy officials are trying to determine whether an obscure law could cost Jean her dual citizenship. According to an embassy spokesman, an article of France's civil code states that a French citizen cannot hold public or military office in a foreign country."

So maybe the French will save Canada? Probably not for they are most likely laughing at us having a separatist as Governor General.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Why The Justice System Is Like A Bad Joke

I have long ago lost respect for the Canadian criminal justice system. The news that Lynda Shaws killer has been identified is just one more example. Turns out her killer was released on early parole for "good behavior" after killing a cop and a cabbie who witnessed that event. Why was he paroled with that type of record? Cop killers should serve every second of their sentence. I swear there are people in the "justice" system that would let Clifford Olsen out if they thought they could get away with it.

Ian Gillepsie, a columnist for my local rag, has a good column today setting out the bungled job the OPP did on this case. Then to twist the knife in further for the Shaw family the OPP refused to release the name of the killer saying they had to protect his privacy based on the Ontario Privacy Act. Turns out just like their bungled investigation they couldn't even read the Act correctly.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Good Bye to Smokey Smith

Ernest Alvia "Smokey" Smith has passed away. He was Canadian's last living recipient of the Victoria Cross, and the only Canadian private to win the VC in WWII, for his actions at the River Savio.

Another link to the great country that was Canada is gone. I wonder how many Canadian students are taught about our military history? I fear that under the the mediocrity of our present Trudeaupia our true Canadian military history is being lost. Events at our new Canadian War Museum are worrying. (I wonder how long before some PC group lobbies to remove the word War?)

Plus we have politicians who are historically illiterate.

"We are also not a country that is going to easily throw away 100 years of peacekeeping reputation"
Caroline Parrish, July 26, 2005 as reported by the Globe and Mail

"Addressing troops at CFB Gagetown outside Fredericton, N.B., Martin was recalling Canada's contribution to the 1944 liberation of Europe.

'Sixty years ago, Canadians were working alongside their British and American allies planning for the invasion of Norway and the liberation of Europe,' Martin said without batting an eye.

In fact, the slip-up seemed to cause little stir throughout the room, even though it is a famous fact of history that Normandy, not Norway, was the scene of the famous landings.

Then, a few minutes later, Martin underscored his point.

'Today, it is every bit as important that Canada step forward -- just as we did during the invasion of Norway,' he said.

Despite a distinction of at least 1,000 kilometres and two national identities, Martin's gaffe again went largely unacknowledged.

There were whispered murmurs among the prime minister's aides."
Paul Martin, April 15, 2004 as reported by CTV.

Personal Point
Before this post I did not know that only 90 Canadians had won the Victoria Cross so having a VC winner in my family tree is more unique than I thought.