Saturday, August 13, 2005

Why The Justice System Is Like A Bad Joke

I have long ago lost respect for the Canadian criminal justice system. The news that Lynda Shaws killer has been identified is just one more example. Turns out her killer was released on early parole for "good behavior" after killing a cop and a cabbie who witnessed that event. Why was he paroled with that type of record? Cop killers should serve every second of their sentence. I swear there are people in the "justice" system that would let Clifford Olsen out if they thought they could get away with it.

Ian Gillepsie, a columnist for my local rag, has a good column today setting out the bungled job the OPP did on this case. Then to twist the knife in further for the Shaw family the OPP refused to release the name of the killer saying they had to protect his privacy based on the Ontario Privacy Act. Turns out just like their bungled investigation they couldn't even read the Act correctly.


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