Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Good Bye to Smokey Smith

Ernest Alvia "Smokey" Smith has passed away. He was Canadian's last living recipient of the Victoria Cross, and the only Canadian private to win the VC in WWII, for his actions at the River Savio.

Another link to the great country that was Canada is gone. I wonder how many Canadian students are taught about our military history? I fear that under the the mediocrity of our present Trudeaupia our true Canadian military history is being lost. Events at our new Canadian War Museum are worrying. (I wonder how long before some PC group lobbies to remove the word War?)

Plus we have politicians who are historically illiterate.

"We are also not a country that is going to easily throw away 100 years of peacekeeping reputation"
Caroline Parrish, July 26, 2005 as reported by the Globe and Mail

"Addressing troops at CFB Gagetown outside Fredericton, N.B., Martin was recalling Canada's contribution to the 1944 liberation of Europe.

'Sixty years ago, Canadians were working alongside their British and American allies planning for the invasion of Norway and the liberation of Europe,' Martin said without batting an eye.

In fact, the slip-up seemed to cause little stir throughout the room, even though it is a famous fact of history that Normandy, not Norway, was the scene of the famous landings.

Then, a few minutes later, Martin underscored his point.

'Today, it is every bit as important that Canada step forward -- just as we did during the invasion of Norway,' he said.

Despite a distinction of at least 1,000 kilometres and two national identities, Martin's gaffe again went largely unacknowledged.

There were whispered murmurs among the prime minister's aides."
Paul Martin, April 15, 2004 as reported by CTV.

Personal Point
Before this post I did not know that only 90 Canadians had won the Victoria Cross so having a VC winner in my family tree is more unique than I thought.


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