Thursday, August 18, 2005

The New governor General is a Done Deal

It is disgusting to see the MSM in Canada literally falling over themselves to sing the praises of the new governor General after her statement yesterday. The Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star I can see as they are Liberal Party mouthpieces, The National Post even has a piece from a Liberal Party toady, excuse me a "volunteer advisor to Paul Martin and a registered federal lobbyist", telling us plebians to get over this. Sorry it's behind the subscriber firewall so no link. I see the hand of the Aspers behind this piece, maybe to makeup of Andrew Coyne?

The one good thing about the CBC strike is we aren't subjected to the Liberal propaganda they would be spewing out on Michael Jean.

At least we still have the Sun chain where their columnists aren't as gullible or compromised as their brethren in the MSM. Rick Bell, Licia Corbella, and Michael Taube still get it.


Blogger Unknown said...

I agree, John, but no mention of the Sun chain's Michael Coren? Hmmm...?

I just tripped over your blog a moment ago, so I'll have to rummage through your archives to see if you've already touched on your opinions of Coren.

Anyway, Happy blogging!

11:00 PM  

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