Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The New Goverrnor General is a Joke

Go read Andrew Coyne's columns in the National Post on this fiasco. Unfortunately some are subscriber only so go visit his site to see them when they get posted or look him up on Google. From all I can see the issue is are these two separatist sympathizers? And what's up with hanging around with convicted terrorists?

Michele Jean, or new GG, has issued a statement, but read this little passage.

"Let me be clear: we have never belonged to a political party or the separatist movement."

Notice how she doesn't address whether she agrees with the seperatists. Only that she didn't join the movement itself. What bad place the Liberals have placed Canada in.

Scroll down to the end of the statement above and you find this little gem.

"Meanwhile, French embassy officials are trying to determine whether an obscure law could cost Jean her dual citizenship. According to an embassy spokesman, an article of France's civil code states that a French citizen cannot hold public or military office in a foreign country."

So maybe the French will save Canada? Probably not for they are most likely laughing at us having a separatist as Governor General.


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