Sunday, March 20, 2005

The London Free Press Comes Through

Trust a paper that gives space to Gwynne Dyer and Eric Margolis to put a picture of one of the peace protesters on the Sunday front page. Black beret a la Che Guevera? Check. Clenched fist in the air? Check. Mr. Fadi Hamadani has his cliche lefty schtick down pat. Unfortunately he is not quoted in the story so we don't know what idiocy he was saying.

Strangely the web editors have chosen not to put the article on the local protest online. They do however have an AP wire service item in the news section. Titled "Quit Iraq, Europe tells US" which is pretty funny when you read the article and find out about the low numbers of protesters. For more on the drop in protest numbers go to Harrys Place and scroll down. (Hat Tip to Damianation)

In the dead tree version the article quotes one Ms. Lorraine McNeil from People for Peace who informs us that.

"U.S. soldiers are 'defending multinational oil interests and sacrificing their lives and the lives of Iraqis for no good reason.'"

Nice. I will cut our local "peace" activists some slack and just call them misguided. Unlike the two groups that organize the big protests. In the US, ANSWER, and Stop the War in England. Both are not anti-war per se but extermist leftists that are actually on the other side.

The London Fog has posts here and here on the demo and who was part of it. I take back my earlier thoughts on cutting them some slack. Anyone who parades around with a hammer and sickle flag at a peace rally is beyond the pale. I wonder if the Tariq in the second post is the same guy on the Free Press front page. If so, that's probably why the Free Press didn't quote him.


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