Thursday, March 24, 2005

Why I Like James Lileks

First he is a writer. Technically all who blog write, but then there are those that can write. You can see why he is able to make a living as a professional writer. Yet after the bills are paid he still writes the Bleat daily when possible. I enjoy reading bloggers that can write because they usually are Anti-Idiotarians and even when I don't agree with all they say I still read them.

Here's a excert on visiting Target that shows why I read the Bleat:

"Then we went to Target to get the chairs for the gazebo. I paged a Sales Associate, or whatever they’re called, and up wheeled Dale. He’s there every time I visit the store. I don’t know what his disability is. He’s the go-to guy at Target. Minor speech impairment; some muscular inabilities. But he has a walkie-talkie and a datapad tied into the Target mainframe and a gun that reads SKUs with a laser, so he can tell you whether the item’s in stock, order it up, and send a team of guys to drag it to your car. All with his one good hand. We are the Borg. Or will be, eventually; I can imagine a device that would fit on his head and let him do all these things with brainwaves and blinking. Thirty years ago he would have been in a Home making wallets, wheeled out into the sun once a day, kept from sight. Now he rules this store."

Read the Bleat and buy his books if they interest you.


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