Friday, September 09, 2005

The Editors of National Post Don't Get Sharia Law

The editors of the National Post come out today in favor of allowing Sharia Law in Ontario. They just don't get it. Here is the section of the editorial which shows that.

"To listen to protesters, such a move will leave Muslim women victimized by the overtly sexist principles encoded in centuries-old Islamic law. According to the most breathless accounts, women will be kept as virtual slaves, denied divorces, separated from their children, cheated out of inheritances and devalued as witnesses.

None of this will happen. To begin with, as with all forms of voluntary arbitration, Canadian Muslims must opt in before they are bound by Sharia. The majority of women will not do so if it would mean being transported back to the Middle Ages."

Italics are mine. When you say majority you are also explicitly saying there is a minority. This minority will be the vulnerable new immigrant women who have no idea of their Charter Rights and that they do not have to go into this Sharia system which they describe as Middle Ages.

What about them? Obviously the editors don't care. Marion Boyd didn't care. I fear Sharia law is coming to Ontario.


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