Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Blogger Beats Mainstream Journalist to the Punch

From Damian Penny, who blogs at Daimnation, I found out about a fisking by Bob Tarantino, who blogs at Let it Bleed, of an article by Paul William Roberts in the September 10th Globe and Mail. The fisking was done on September 11th. And now in today's, September 14th, edition of the National Post Jonathan Kay fisks the same article.

Both take the Globe and Mail editors to task for publishing this tripe. Sorry the Kay article is behind their subscriber firewall. So here is what Tarantino says of the Globe.

"I had always suspected that a newspaper which would publish the hatescreeds of a Heather Mallick and the dribblings of a Rick Salutin was something less than respectable. But wasting ink on an incoherent and fact-hampered rant like Roberts' lowers it into the nether regions of tripe like the Spartacist. It's a shame, really: there was a time when you could point to the Globe as representing a respectable standard in journalism. No longer."

And here is what Kay says of the Globe.

"What a wasted mind is Roberts'. And what a disgrace to the Globe and Mail that its editors let this hateful, error-littered screed stain the newspaper's otherwise respectable pages."

I tend to side with Tarantino's opinion.


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